Discover Your Creative Potential in Just 2 Hours!

Are you convinced that creativity is only for the artists, musicians, and poets of the world? Think again! If you have a brain, you have the key to unlocking your creativity. Join our transformative workshop, “If You Have a Brain, You Are a Creative Person,” and let us guide you on a journey to uncover your unique creative superpower.

This interactive workshop is for you if you are:

  • The Skeptic: If you’ve ever doubted your creative abilities, this workshop is tailor-made for you. Bid farewell to the myth that creativity is reserved for a select few. It’s time to embrace the creative genius within!
  • The Professional: Whether you’re an accountant, engineer, or executive, creativity is your secret weapon. Learn how to infuse creativity into your professional life, from problem-solving to innovation. Elevate your game and stand out in any field.
  • The Seeker: If you’re curious about the connection between creativity and the universe, this workshop is your cosmic ticket. Explore how your creative instincts are your link to something greater, and tap into the boundless possibilities that await.
  • The Everyday Hero: Parents, caregivers, and multitaskers extraordinaire, your daily life is a canvas of creativity. Uncover the artistry in your day-t0-day routines and discover how your unique approach to life is a masterpiece in the making.

When you embark on this transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment, you’ll experience:

Interactive Exploration: Engage in thought-provoking activities that go beyond traditional artistic boundaries. Unleash creativity using all your senses and discover how this shapes your world.

Connect with Fellow Creatives: Forge connections in breakout sessions, sharing insights and perspectives. You’re not alone on this journey—collaborate and learn from each other.

Reflect and Reframe: Take a moment for personal reflection. Consider where your creative instincts lie and how they can transform your life, personally and professionally.

Empowerment: Walk away with newfound confidence in your creative abilities. You are a creative force, and this workshop is the catalyst for unlocking your full potential.

In this workshop you will:

Break Creativity Myths:

  • Come to understand why creativity extends far beyond the arts and is accessible to everyone.
  • Challenge misconceptions about who can be creative and what creativity looks like.

Explore the Role of the 5 Senses in Creativity:

  • Engage in interactive activities that stimulate all your senses.
  • Learn how each sense contributes to creative thinking and problem-solving.

Discover How Creativity Shows Up in Everyday Life:

  • Examine examples of creativity in the mundane and extraordinary aspects of daily life.
  • Recognize how creativity can be harnessed in professional and personal spheres.

A few benefits of taking this workshop include:

Renewed Confidence in Your Creative Instincts:

  • Gain newfound confidence in your ability to think creatively.
  • Embrace your unique creative superpower and celebrate your individuality.

Connection to Something Greater:

  • Explore the spiritual dimension of creativity and its connection to Source/God/The Universe.
  • Tap into the limitless well of creativity that resides within you.

A Supportive Community:

  • Connect with like-minded individuals in breakout sessions.
  • Build a network of fellow creatives for ongoing inspiration and collaboration.

Integrating Creativity into Your Daily Life:

  • Apply creative thinking to your professional endeavors and personal challenges.
  • Transform routine tasks into opportunities for self-expression and innovation.

Improving Your Problem-Solving Skills:

  • Develop practical problem-solving skills rooted in creative thinking.
  • Stand out in your professional life by approaching challenges with a creative mindset.

Creating Your Personal Masterpiece:

  • Use the tools and insights gained to embark on personal creative projects.
  • Witness the positive impact of creativity on your overall well-being.

Here are a few key takeaways you can expect to experience:

Reframing Your Perception:

  • Shift your perspective on creativity and its accessibility.
  • Embrace creativity as a universal human trait.


  • Identify where your creative instincts lie through introspective exercises.
  • Uncover the unique ways in which you express creativity.

Empowerment to Matter:

  • Recognize that creativity is your path to significance.
  • Feel empowered to make a meaningful impact in your life and the lives of others.
  • Let the lie die: Release the false narratives planted in childhood that stifled your creativity. Reclaim your right to creativity and break free from the chains of outdated beliefs.

What you DON’T need beforehand:

Prior Experience:

  • No previous creativity training is necessary
  • No art skills are required

Elaborate setup or preparation:

  • We’ll give you a cheat sheet with the few things you’ll need to prepare ahead of time
  • You will get the most out of this experience by participating fully, but if you opt to skip a step, you’ll still receive immeasurable benefits from attending.

What you DO need to bring to the workshop:

An Open Mind:

  • Bury – or put on silent for a couple hours – the idea that you’re just not creative.
  • Be willing to try the exercises, no matter how silly or challenging they seem.

Willingness to Have Fun:

  • This is anything but a boring old workshop! Come ready to laugh and enjoy yourself.
  • If you’re on the shy side, bring a friend so you’ll know someone and have an easier time meeting others.

Meet the Instructor

Laura Orsini is an award winning artist and author who has taught every level from Montessori toddlers to Wall Street managing directors. She is a lifelong creative who has a passion for helping those who find the whole concept of creativity challenging. An innate problem-solver, Laura heard the poignant pleas of people who saw her art and wished they, too, could find a creative outlet. This led her to resurrect this workshop, which she originally taught in 2003.

Laura’s clients include American Express engineers, authors, financial advisors, filmmakers, a chocolatier, coaches and consultants, personal trainers, and many others. Laura’s goal is to help her clients unearth their creative potential, no matter how deeply buried, unusual, or mundane it may be. “We’re all born with a connection to Source, and creativity is the physical manifestation of that connection!” Laura explains.


What former students are saying

“Before this workshop, I never considered myself creative, let alone capable of infusing creativity into my work as a project manager. This experience has been eye-opening! The workshop not only debunked the myth that creativity is limited to the arts but also showed me how tapping into my creative instincts enhances problem-solving and innovation. Now, I can approach challenges with newfound confidence and a creative mindset. This will make a huge impact on my professional life.” — Sarah G., 49

“At 83, I never thought a creativity workshop would be on my radar. But, oh, how glad I am that it was! This workshop brought a burst of vibrancy into my life. It wasn’t just about creating art; it was about rediscovering the joy in everyday moments. I learned that creativity is ageless, and it’s never too late to explore new facets of oneself. Now, I’m infusing creativity into my time with family, making memories that are uniquely mine. Truly a heartwarming experience!”
— Evelyn W., 83

Are YOU ready to tap into your creative potential? Secure your spot in this eye-opening workshop and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment!

Ready to rewrite the narrative on creativity? Join us for a dynamic, eye-opening experience that will leave you inspired and ready to conquer your creative dreams.

Limited seats available! Reserve your space now and embark on a journey of self-discovery. Your creativity awaits!

  • Date: Wednesday, January 10, 2024 ** 6 – 8 p.m. EDT
  • EARLY BIRD PRICE of $37/person good through December 24, 2023. After that, the price goes up to $57.
  • Virtual experience via Zoom
  • Replay available so you can re-watch it or catch it if you miss it
  • As soon as you register, you will be invited to join our private Facebook group!
  • Take Action Today—your creative adventure begins here!